Non Immigrant Visa B
What is Non Immigrant Visa (B)?
Non Immigrant Visa Type B (Business and Work) is designed for Foreigners who are willing to have an investment activity in Thailand and for Foreigners who got a Job in Thailand. There are Several Sub Categories for the Non Immigrant Visa type B provided to meet the needs and qualifications of business persons. These Subcategories are: Business visa Category “B”, Business-approved visa Category “B-A” and Investment and business visa Category “IB”.
What Nationalities Can Apply for the Thailand Non Immigrant Visa (B)?
All Nationalities are eligible to apply for the Thailand Non Immigrant Visa Type B (Business and Work), as long as the applicants provide all the required Documents.
Visa Fees and Validity
There are 2 Fees Options with 2 different Validity Durations. The first one Costs 2,000 Thai Baht and is for Single entry for 3 Months Validity. The Second One Costs 5,000 Thai Baht and is for 1 year Validity.
Visa Application
1) Category B: Business Visa
This Category is Issued for applicants who are willing to enter the Thailand to work or to conduct business
A) Foreigners Who are willing to Work in Thailand Should Provide the Below Documents:
– Passport or travel document with validity of not less than 6 months.
– Completed visa application form.
– Recent passport-sized photograph (4 x 6 cm) of the applicant taken within the past 6 months.
– Evidence of adequate finance (20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family).
– Letter of approval from the Ministry of Labour. To get this letter, the applicant’s prospective employer in Thailand is required to submit Form WP3 at the Office of Foreign Workers Administration, Department of Employment, Ministry of Labor ,or at the Provincial Employment Office in his or her respective province. You can Visit this Link for more information:
– Copy of Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labor and alien income tax or Por Ngor Dor 91 (Only if the Applicant has worked in Thailand Before). – Document indicating the number of foreign tourists (for tourism business only), or document indicating export transactions issued by banks (for export business only).
– Document indicating the number of foreign tourists (for tourism business only), or document indicating export transactions issued by banks (for export business only).
– Corporate documents of hiring company in Thailand are required such as:
- Company’s Business registration and business license
- list of shareholders of The Company
- Company profile
- Details of The Business Operation
- list of Company’s foreign workers stating their names, their nationalities and their positions
- A map that indicates the Company’s Location
- Balance sheet, statement of Income Tax and Business Tax Of the Latest Year
- value-added tax (VAT) registration
B) Foreigners Willing to Conduct Business in Thailand must Show the below Documents:
– Passport or Other travel document Valid for at Least 6 months.
– Application Form Completed.
– A Recent passport-sized photograph (4 x 6 cm) of the applicant, Should be taken within the past 6 months.
– Evidence of adequate finance (20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family) for the duration of stay in Thailand
– A Letter from the applicant’s company Stating the applicant’s position, How long has he been employed, hi/her salary and the purpose of visit(s) to Thailand.
– Documents that show correspondence with business partners in Thailand.
– In case the Applicant is Self-employed, he/she must show an Evidence of financial status .
– Letter of invitation from trading or associated partners/companies in Thailand.
– Corporate documents of associated partners/companies in Thailand such as:
- The Company’s Business License and Business Registration
- list of the Company’s shareholders
- Company profile
- All the Details of the Business Operation
- A Map that Indicates the Company’s Location
- balance sheet, statement of Income Tax and Business Tax of the latest year
- value-added tax (VAT) registration
Additional Documents:
- The Board of Directors must Sign or an Authorized Managing Director Should Sign Copy of the Company’s Documents and Must also affix the Seal of the Company.
- If the Documents Submitted are in Foreign Languages, They must be Translated into Thai Language, and should be notorised by notary organs or by the applicant’s diplomatic or consular mission
- Sometimes There maybe additional Documents Requested.
- In case There is a Missing document not Submitted, The applicant has to explain the reason why it is not Submitted.
- The Maximum Stay Period of this Visa is 90 Days, and the applicant can go to the Immigration Bureau to request Extension (Total stay Duration is 1 Year from the Day of entry to Thailand).
2) Category B - A (Business Approved Visa):
The Holder of This Visa Type will be able to stay in Thailand for a Period of One year from the day of his first Entry to the Country. The Applicant’s associated Company which the applicant Will conduct Business with or will invest In, has to apply on behalf of the Applicant at the Office of the Immigration Bureau. When the application has been approved by the Bureau, The bureau will advise the Embassy or The Consulate via the Ministry of Foreign affairs in order to Issue the Visa for the applicant.
3) Category I-B (Investment & Business Visa):
This Type of Visa is Issued for foreigners Employed to work on investment projects that are under the auspices of the Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI). These Types of Projects Should be Benefiting Thailand in the below Ways:
- Promoting Exportation Activities.
- Creating Employment Opportunities
- Utilizing and Using Local raw Materials
- Projects engaging the provinces
- Encouraging Transferring Technology to Thai Nationals.
- Not hindering or harming existing domestic businesses
Request Our Visa Service
Apply for Thailand Business Visa with Hassle Free by using our Visa Service. Our Visa Specialists team will help you get your Business visa through all the Process, Enjoy your Time and Leave it for us